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Harmonised Inventory of Point and Diffuse Emissions of Nitrogen....

Environmental Research of the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Water Research Project
Research Report 200 22 232
Harmonised Inventory of Point and Diffuse Emissions of Nitrogen and Phosphorus for a Transboundary River

Basin by
Heide Schreiber
Lucian Theodor Constantinescu
Irena Cvitanic
Dumitru Drumea
Dalila Jabucar
Stanislav Juran
Beata Pataki
Sergej Snishko
Matthias Zessner
and Horst Behrendt

The nutrient emissions from point and diffuse sources were estimated for 388 subcatchments of the  Danube river basin for the period 1998-2000 with the model system MONERIS. The model distinguishes between six diffuse pathways and point source emissions from waste water treatment plants and direct industrial discharges. It was estimated that the total nitrogen emission into the Danube river system amounts about 690 kt/a in the period 1998 to 2000, with 80 % from diffuse sources. For phosphorus the emissions accounted for the same time period 67.2 kt/a, with a share of diffuse sources of 64 %. The comparison between measured and observed loads in the investigated subcachments shows a mean deviation of 21 % for nitrogen and 30 % for phosphorus. The spatial resolution of the emission calculations allows the identification of regional hot spots and the derivation of specific regional measures for emission reduction.

Download: http://dfiles.ru/files/bwvcfyazv

It was published in: Schreiber H., Constantinescu L. T., Cvitanic I., Drumea D., Jabucar D., Juran S., Pataki B., Snizhko S., Zessner M., Behrendt H. Harmonised  Inventory of Point and Diffuse Emissions of Nitrogen and Phosphorus for a Transboundary River Basin.  Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. WRP 200 22 232. Berlin, 2004 .187 P.

Фото: Sergej Snishko
Джерело: Sergej Snishko
Категорія: Статті українських науковців | Додав: wiktor (26.09.2014) W
Переглядів: 1691 | Теги: river basins, diffuse sources, point sources, source apportionment, emission method, MONERIS, nitrogen and phosphorus inputs | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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